
You want to know a bit about me, so you can determine if I’m a whackjob or not, correct? Well you can’t tell from a few words on a website, but I’ll give it my best shot.

I grew up in a large, Irish-Catholic family where love was plentiful and developing a good sense of humor was mandatory for survival. I had a blessed childhood where most of my time was spent outdoors, and more specifically, up trees, on horseback, in the woods, on the lake. I never had a moment with my family when I felt I wasn’t loved. That is an amazing thing to be able to say, and I never take that for granted.

That childhood, and the ensuing teens and twenties, were filled with adventures and on occasion, experiences which I would many years later, come to realize was my psychic side come to call. I didn’t know enough to pay attention or even how to pay attention. Later, as I was raising my own children, fighting fires, swimming and training in the freezing North Atlantic and working as a professional gardener … I used to secretly read books about philosophy, psychiatry, religion, the unexplainable mysteries of life. I'd buy tarot cards and stash them in a drawer, only taking them out when there was no chance of being seen. I collected rocks (still do) and crystals like a mad lady. I’d visit a psychic, if I could save up enough money to. Most of those esoteric ideas gradually fell by the wayside, as my focus became clearer: I wanted to understand what we can do with our minds, with each other. What are we capable of, and how far we can take that? I was playing with consciousness before I even knew what I was doing. Over time, as friends and family members crossed over, that feeling that some of them were visiting from time to time, drove my research. Each new experience provided a million more questions.

Like everyone else, my life has been pierced by trauma; it’s an overused term, I think, but what other word is there for the things we endure in this lifetime? It was almost like I had to tally up a certain amount of heartbreak and desperation before I cracked wide open. And crack I did. Not in a bad way. Quite the contrary.

I received instruction in Transcendental Meditation, which I encourage every human on earth to look into. It has amazing, real-world benefits. But I began having experiences during these meditations. I sought out other teachers who could help me understand, fine-tune and harness these experiences. And whaddaya know, I’ve been studying and developing my mediumistic abilities ever since. I’ll never stop learning and developing. If ever there comes a time when this work no longer blows my mind - I will stop. I don’t see that happening, really.

I live on a little mountain near the coast in Maine (USA) with my husband, also a retired firefighter and medic. We are joined on the regular by a fairly large group of deer in search of carefully planted gardens, coyotes in the woods, owls, eagles, hawks, loons, terrifying crowds of pterodactyls (wild turkeys) (but they look like, and are as scary as, pterodactyls), foxes, possum, porcupine, chipmunks, a cardinal who won’t leave us alone, and Tweaks, the Brave Red Squirrel who almost eats out of my hand now.

Mary Hauprich, 2023

Maine, USA