“Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.”

- Bob Marley

People tell me I’m nuts, that I’m going to be taken advantage of and cheated.

If I can paraphrase Mother Theresa:

“I’m doing it anyway.”

I charge $60.00 for a reading. To my brothers and sisters in the armed forces (active or retired) or who serve in emergency response, I offer a sliding scale if you can’t swing the sixty bucks.

In this judgy and opinionated society, we seem so quick to make assumptions about others. I hope you’ll refrain from judging me or others in this field based upon money. This is just my jam. Everyone follows their own path, right? There are doctors who give up their practices to work in developing nations, lawyers who work in the public defenders’ office. This is how I give back, how I honor my fellow human beings, and how I honor the God of my understanding. Full stop.

Now shoot me an email and let’s get to it.